En esta página se recogen informaciones sobre la reglas establecidas por los países en cuanto a la entrada de productos en sus aduanas. El envío de efectos personales de nacionales volviendo a sus países esta usualmente exento de impuestos y tasas, sin embargo, dado que las normativas de cada país varían y son diferentes, es recomendable consultar a la Embajada o Consulado del país de destino, cual es la norma vigente. La información contenida en esta página es meramente informativa, no responsabilizándose nuestra Empresa de su vigencia o aplicación. La información se actualiza regularmente incluyendo nuevos países. El lenguaje utilizado es español, el del país reseñado o el inglés.



Textile samples must either be mutilated or stamped "Trade Sample" and can not exceed three pieces in quantity.




Personal effects are eligible for duty exemption only when carried in baggage by someone or worn by the person.
INFORMACION ADICIONAL The importation of the following goods is prohibited by law in order to protect certain industries, prevent the introduction of pests, plant and animal diseases and to control controversial publications:
  • Articles bearing a reproduction of the coins, currency or bank notes of any country.
  • Emblems and devices that are intended or are likely to be used in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Federation or which would foster purposes prejudicial to the peace and welfare of Malaysia.
  • Cocoa pods, rambutans, pulasan, longan, and nam-nam fruits from the Philippines and Indonesia.
  • Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, engravings, films (including unprocessed films), video tapes, laser discs, colour slides, computer diskettes and any other media or any other indecent or obscene articles.
  • Piranha fish, Turtle eggs.
  • Daggers and flick knives.
  • Certain chemicals including sodium arsenite, crocidolite, Polybrominated Biphenyls, Poly- chlorinated Biphenyls, Poly- chlorinated Terphenyls and Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) Phosphate
  • Intoxicating liquors containing more than 3.46 milligrams per litre of lead.
  • Broadcast receivers capable of receiving radio communication within the ranges (68-87) MHz and (108-174) MHz except those designed to receive meteorological broadcasts at spot frequencies (except those for the use of the telecommunication authorities).
  • Pens, pencils and other articles resembling syringes.
  • Cloth bearing the imprint or reproduction of any verses of the Quran